​I'm a Marine Biologist turned Science Communicator. I have work experience in Ecological and Behavioral research. Here you will find some of my publications.
Article - July 2016 (Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Does space use influences on Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) social preferences?
Master thesis - March 2015 (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
Luiza Beirão Campos
Short Note: Performance of Computer-Assisted Photographic Matching of Guiana Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis)
Article - August 2014 (Journal of Aquatic Mammals)
Luiza Beirão Campos, Mauricio Cantor, Leonardo Flach, and Conrado A. B. Galdino
Does space use influence on Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) social preference?
Resume and presentation at the 16o SOLAMAC - Latin American Society of specialists in Aquatic Mammals in Cartagena, Colombia. December 2014.
Luiza Beirão Campos, Mauricio Cantor, Leonardo Flach, and Paulo C. Simões-Lopes.
Social Network of Guiana Dolphin Sotalia guianensis in Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro southeast Brazil. 2012. Resume and poster presentation at the 15o SOLAMAC in Puerto
Madryn, Argentina
Luiza Beirão Campos, Leonardo Flach, and Conrado Galdino.